Brisbane Road Trip 2016

Welcome back, friends! 
What a week it has been! If you haven't already heard, this week I was on a road trip with one of my best friends, Ebony, to help her drive her car up to Queensland as she is moving there for Uni. I cannot believe that yesterday I said goodbye to my best friend from High School for the last time, in who knows how many months, because she is moving literally to the other side of the country (North-South, not East-West terms). Who would have thought that this would be happening. Nonetheless, it was a memorable trip. A perfect end to Summer.

I flew from Brisbane last night, and I miss Ebony already. I am happy to be back in Melbourne though. I don't know why, but every time I visit another major city in Australia I miss Melbourne more than I thought I would. I really do live in one of the best cities.

Today I have been back into my life, writing up my blog post and heading over to Uni to sneak in the last bits of O-Week, which I almost missed out on. So this post is literally a photo dump of a few photos from the trip, to share with you all. Be warned, they are not in order. But I think that makes it more fun, don't you think? 

What is your favourite memory from this Summer? 

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