Walking with Confidence

I am going to do something I haven't done in a blog post for a while, and that is talk about the weather. How nice was the sun today?! After a few dreary and rainy days, the sun was a welcome relief. I am rushing to get this post up by 5 because I got carried away sitting out in the sun with some friends this afternoon. Hopefully Spring won't be too far away!

If you caught this photo I posted on Instagram last week, I mentioned those outfits that make you walk with your head up a little bit higher and walk with a little more confidence. This is that outfit. I truly believe that clothes can affect your attitude. Just think back to my SWOTVAC outfits of the week post, where I said that the key to surviving finals week is to dress like you still have your life together. Feeling comfortable in your own skin and directly leads to self-confidence. That is definitely something I want to advocate for!
I mentioned to some friends today that every outfit I post on my blog are outfits that I actually wear. I wore this outfit to Uni, and these photos were actually taken in between my Marketing tute and History lecture. I am constantly over-dressing for school, so this outfit could also work well for work (either casual Friday, or swap the blue jeans for black). 

I bought the blue oxford shirt from Gap while in London, and I am so glad that I did, even if the conversion didn't exactly work out to be any cheaper than if I went shopping at Gap in Melbourne. The colour works so well with my tartan scarf I bought from H&M a few years ago. If you haven't noticed yet, I have been wearing my navy plaid scarf to death this Winter. I even took it to England with me, and it was Summer! Paired with dark blue jeans and brown loafers (we now own these in cream as well!), this is a perfectly classic look. Adding my trusty statement necklace and the scarf just adds a Grace touch to it. 

Have a great weekend! See y'all next week. :)

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